Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Use of 'open door' = witness protection!

"Don't ever trust anybody!"
The caption above is from an old, not very good, joke. The father steps back and let's his son hit the ground as an object lesson of being careful with trust. One of the most important core values of any culture is TRUST!

Everyone talks the talk when it comes to TRUST. Few really walk the walk. For a culture to have it, it must be all encompassing and is very hard to establish. However, once in place the 'magic' created and the creative fun it creates is FANTASTIC. 

Another word from our sponsor............'The Book" teaches you how to achieve this 'magic!'


  1. Think I had this once, My dad's swimming Lesson at the old Foster homestead tank. Grabbed me by my belt loops and threw me as far as he could and said SWIM!!!!!! T R U S T Holy Shit......

    comment by Jimmy Foster

  2. I had this once... my dad had a pair of needle nose plyers that wreaked of WD-40 in my mouth with a death grip on my "loose" tooth. He said, "Trust me. I'm just going to wiggle it a little bit to see if it's... POP!!!" The tooth is out and I am cracking up because I can't believe he TRICKED me! FYI - He managed to "trick" me with just about every tooth in my head :-)
