Daniel R. Scoggin
Author/Driller |
"Oil Well Syndrome"
We all want things to be easy. If they are not then we look for ways to make them that way. The marketplace is filled with easy this and easy that. When it comes to life's bigger issues we continue this thought pattern. There is nothing wrong with this unless it misleads us or makes us into quick fix junkies. There are some who think getting their degree will solve their problems and make life easy. Criminals think the next big 'job' and things will then be easy. I call this the "Oil Well Syndrome". Drill that one big life's gusher and then relax and enjoy life.
I believe we have ready for your assembly the components for personal and business success. This is not easy but it is simple. It cannot be reduced to a list or a simple set of rules anymore than you, as an individual, can be defined in such a way. The Triceptive formula is very straightforward. It must stand on your core values and beliefs which must embrace the standard of excellence and the Triceptive definition of 'honesty', the 'expanded' definition.
Why EXCELLENCE? It is the only STANDARD that provides the FUEL, creates the energy, excitement and what we call FRIDAY'S FUN!!! Show me an excited mediocre anything!
Why HONESTY? It is the number one feast for the human spirit. It opens the floodgate of creativity and free exchange of ideas. The light of this positive culture eliminates management fiefdoms and intimidation. We describe it in Triceptive and Apple hints to it as "Fearless Feedback!" You never tire of this environment.
Coupled with your core principles and a clear goal, these two powerful forces applied to maximizing the benefits all to sides of the triangle are the beginning of one of the most exciting experiences once can have as a leader! Add to this the tools, definitions and commonsense management insights and I think you will want to adopt my founding motto, "be the best - have fun - make money".
Thanks for following,
Dan Scoggin is near completion of his long awaited book. Like FRIDAY'S DEBUT, the launching party, and subsequent 70's bus tour will be
Here is a preview of the books
I am, at times, one of those people who want things the "easy" way. However, everything good I have in my life has taken hard work, especially the relationships that I value the most... I try really hard to be the best at everything I do, even if it is scrubbing a toilet or sewing a hem... As I have gotten a little bit older, I have realized that when I have absolutely nothing else to hold on to, I have my honesty. I take great pride in saying what I mean and meaning what I say. Thank you Dad for teaching me these incredible life lessons.