Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wow! (says it all)

Margherita-Capt. Dan-Soledad & Sarah 
Margherita gets my 'best sales person of the decade' award! For the book I have worked very hard researching Apple, Ritz Carlton, Southwest Airlines, Four Seasons and I could list fifty more companies in search of how to give customers the BEST experience. Margherita exceeded all the points of service, attitude lessons and problem solving techniques, these companies teach. More importantly, however, she exceeded my value and principle driven methods. (Oh can read about them in the book).

My quest: a mobile office. I often carry two computers, an iPad, manuscript, mobile scanner and a lot of connectors. On top of that there are all the research files!  We were in Las Vegas last week next to Fashion Mall. I had already visited several stores in my quest and was tired, grumpy and discouraged. I then walked into the Tumi store and was met by my new heroine and everything changed. Everything I am trying to artfully explain in the book she did well beyond my expectations. 

Here we go.  As we entered the store she immediately and this is important genuinely made us feel welcome. Next, her enthusiasm and cheerfulness removed my 'grumpy' and revitalized my quest. She carefully listened to the requirements of my quest and then, in a very informed way, not only outlined the in store solutions but those of the entire Tumi line. There was no steering, up selling or focus other than helping me find the best solution. I told Margherita that one of my requirements for anything I buy is that it makes me look cool, (No looking at me in the picture above and laughing! I can try), she even finessed this one and told me Tumi was my brand.

I left with the coolest looking mobile office, on rollers, made of leather (looking cool) and in a very good mood. I also left with a great example of excellent service for my book. 

P.S. The story dosen't end there. I called Margherita's boss Sara Calvert. We had a great chat and it was obvious the qualities I saw at the store run deep in the organization. Later when I returned to the store with a Tumi bag that had not been monogramed (remember looking cool). Margherita was working her magic on another customer but easily handled the multi-tasking challenge and I returned later for my cool freshly monogramed bag. The next time I returned an associate, Soledad continued the magic. I told her I needed a spare cord bag for my rolling office and she happily gave me a discontinued color at no charge! (She didn't even know that I am a soon to be famous author!) I am adding Tumi to my research list. I am impressed.

1 comment:

  1. After the book is published, I should be able to afford Tumi, too....
